Mastering the Wild with Agile Principles

A Week of Camping Chronicles


Eduardo Alvim

8/28/20233 min read

white, yellow, and blue dome tent near green hammock
white, yellow, and blue dome tent near green hammock

Hey there, fellow adventurers and outdoor enthusiasts! Buckle up as we embark on a journey through my recent escapade, where I traded my cozy home for a tent and my Netflix binge for some serious camping action. Now, before you start thinking I've turned into Bear Grylls overnight, let me spill the beans on how I applied Agile principles to survive and thrive during a wild week of camping – and let's face it, maybe even have a bit of fun.

Picture this: I'm on a plane to Amsterdam, gripping my armrest like it's a lifeline as we hit turbulence. Amidst the turbulence-induced mini rollercoaster, it hit me – not a life flashing before my eyes moment, mind you, but a brilliant camping idea. Yes, you heard me right – camping, turbulence, and brilliant ideas, all bundled up at 30,000 feet.

Flash forward to a picturesque camping site. Imagine sparkling lakes, stone walls that look like they've been hand-carved by ancient gods, and a crystal-clear river named Verdon that's the stuff of dreams. If you're wondering where this wonderland is, it's the "Gorges du Verdon" in the glorious South Riviera of France. And guess what? This wasn't just any camping site; it was round two of my family's grand camping adventure, and we had brought a merry bunch of 16 participants along for the ride, including some enthusiastic visitors who popped in just for the day.

Now, let's talk about planning – oh, the good ol' planning. You plan for sunny days, but suddenly, the clouds roll in. You plan for grilled feasts, but the wind's got other plans. One of our buddies missed out on day one thanks to her son's unexpected food poisoning (ouch). But hey, they joined us on day two, only for her to fall sick, followed by a tag team of illness: day three, yours truly, day four, my daughter, day five, my son. It was like our group had a flu relay race going on, and the germs were winning.

And here's the kicker: camping is like a boot camp for learning – with a side of waste management. Last year, we thought we were going to devour all the snacks we hauled along. Spoiler alert: we didn't. The amount of wasted food could have fed a small village for a week. But fear not, we took our lessons to heart. This year, we brought less – still too much, but less – and managed to avoid the heart-wrenching sight of tossing away good grub. A victory for our taste buds and the planet!

So, my fellow adventurers, if you're ever faced with the great outdoors and the call of the wild, remember, Agile principles aren't just for boardrooms and tech teams. They're your trusty companions for conquering the wilderness, surviving the flu relay, and maybe even making a dent in your snack stash. Until next time, happy camping and agile adventuring! 🏕️🌄🔥

Now, I should probably mention that I've got some serious camping street cred. Thanks to my decade-long stint with the Boy Scouts, I've got survival skills, first aid know-how, and the ability to pitch a tent that rivals the speed of light. But here's the kicker: every camping experience is like a unique snowflake. With a wife who's not exactly BFFs with the great outdoors, kids who would choose Wi-Fi over wildlife, and our furball canine-daughter who's got a personality that could put a diva to shame, each camping escapade is its own thrilling story.

So, what do Agile principles and camping have in common, you ask? Teamwork, my friends, teamwork. Setting up camp was a full-on group project, from pitching tents that could house a small village to creating a communal dining area that would rival any five-star restaurant's ambiance. And let me tell you, scaling up our efforts was the name of the game. When I was struggling with my hammer, my neighbor lent me his; it was like a DIY intervention, camping-style. Then there was the sage advice from another neighbor who shared the ultimate fishing hotspot and even dropped some knowledge about the kind of fish we might hook. All for the greater good, all for the value-packed outcome.